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  1. [authors, florian knothe, peter pfrunder ; co-editors, umag, fotostiftung schweiz ; curators, christopher mattison, florian knothe ; translator and editorial assistant, kikki lam, guo yufei ; desgner, stephy tsui = bosate zai zhongguo : ji lu 1930 nian dai de she hui bian qian / zuo zhe, luonuode, bide pufulunde ; lian he bian ji, xianggang da xue mei shu bo wu guan, ruishi she ying ji jin hui ; ce zhan ren, madesong, luonuode ; yi zhe ji bian ji zhu li, lin jiaqi, guo yufei ; she ji shi, xu xiaowen] (1)
  2. bosshard in china : documenting social change in the 1930s (1)
  3. bosshard, walter, (1)
  4. guo, yufei, (1)
  5. knothe, florian, (1)
  6. lin, jiaqi, (1)
  7. mattison, christopher (1)
  8. pfrunder, peter, (1)
  9. stiftung f??r die photographie (switzerland), (1)
  10. university of hong kong (1)
  11. xu, xiaowen, (1)