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检索词: The Institution of Engineering and Technology , 检索到: 5 条结果, 检索时间: 0.133 秒 , 排序选项: 排序方式: 隐藏分类导航


  1. canadian institute of guided ground transport (1)
  2. cranfield institute of technology (1)
  3. great britain (1)
  4. ieee vehicular technology conference (1)
  5. institute of electrical and electronics engineers (1)
  6. institute of marine engineers (1)
  7. institution of mechanical engineers (great britain) (1)
  8. international conference on maglev & linear drives (1)
  9. international conference on vehicle structures (1)
  10. international federation of automobile engineers' and technicians' associations (1)
  11. sponsored by the automobile division of the institution of mechanical engineers and the impact centre, cranfield institute of technology ; co-sponsored by the institution of body engineers and held under the patronage of fédération internationale des sociétés d'ingénieurs des techniques de l'automobiles (fisita), [held at] cranfield institute of technology 16-18 july 1984 (1)
  12. sponsored by the ieee vehicular technology society and the denver section, ieee with the cooperation of the vts denver chapter and the administrative committee of vts (1)
  13. sponsored by the institute of electrical and electronics engineers vehicular technology society ; co-sponsored by transportation development centre, transport canada [and] canadian institute of guided ground transport, queen's university (1)
  14. sponsors: ship and marine technology requirements board of the department of industry in association with [others] (1)
  15. symposium on future alternatives for marine propulsion (1)
  16. the institution of engineering and technology (1)
  17. transportation development centre (canada) (1)
  18. vehicular technology society (1)
出版社: IEE Publication Sales Department   出版日期: 2006-
文献类型: 国内版外文期刊 , 索书号: U491/33603